Thursday, April 26, 2012

PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL : Meningkatkan tahap kesuburan wanita 
Premium Beautiful helps to balance your hormone estrogen and progesterone. One of our business partner dah 4 tahun menunggu nak anak tapi tak dapat2 jugak.. but with the helps of Premium Beautiful + Herba Maharani ( kira makan consistently ) Alhamdullilah she's now pregnant.

Bukan itu sahaja, masalah kesihatan wanita seperti keputihan, cyst,fibroid, prolapsed uterus, irregular period flow dan macam2 lagi dapat di atasi dengan pemakaian Pemium Beautiful secara consistent & disiplin. Jangan biarkan ia mengangu diri anda!!

Selain dari itu, Premium Beautiful juga dapat  membantu menghilangkan "bau" yang tidak menyenangkan...takut nanti suami lari plak!!

Call me at 0126469577
Trial Set & Consultation Available for FREE!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ouch to Auw...

Wanita yg pintar adalah yg tahu menjaga 
* kecantikan diri
* adap 
* maruah diri & keluarga
* Agama

Since post saye berkisar kecantikan & kesihatan, nk ckp pasal yg 1st jer..:)

Kecantikan asset utama wanita. Cantik perlu make up tebal, melaram baju mahal ala Dato' Ct Nurhajija ke? 

Cantik itu subjektif, tapi tipu kalau wanita tak nak badan yg cantik, solid molid. Kasi potong jari la kalau ada yg deny..kan..kan..

Jom tgk gambar ni.

Pernah tgk scenario ni? Ni dari Ouch!! .
Saye sendiri pernah mengalaminye :(

Kes saye dari XS to L satu pengalaman yg sgt menyakitkan. Hari2 pandang diri sendiri kat cermin mesti nangis. 

Kasi view gambar yg real skit..hehehe
Masalah kegemukan ni jadi lepas saye lahirkan baby through C-sec. Kawasan yg paling bermasalah adalah perut, lengan, peha, pipi & punggung. Alignment pun cam dh lari, punggung dah tak tegang, breast tak yah ckp la sbb saye breast feed.

Semua baju dlm almari tak bleh pakai, mmg masa ni dah siap pack semua baju nk hantar ke rumah anak yatim..hehe

Kalau jumpe kawan2 1st thing diorng akan ckp, "KENAPA GEMUK SGT NI?" tak suke, tak suke..tak suke!!!!!!!!!

Paling sedih, ape yg hubby saye rasa? Mmg la mulut ckp, tak pe baby, lama2 kurus la balik. Means die pun hopping yg saye akan back to previous size. Kadang nk tido mlm pun tak bleh, duk pikir ape aku nk buat kasi kurus ni. 

Diet sudah, lari berjam2 atas thread mill satu hari sudah, jog kat park sudah, jaga pemakanan semua less sudah. Tetap jugak mcm tu. 

Mesti semua nak tahu, berjaya ke saye back to previous size? hehehe...

Dgn Premium Beautiful corset, it makes every women's dreams come true (mode senyum sampai telinga). 

ni gambar terbaru saye with my little Kaseh 

Amacam, Ouch atau Auw? hehehe

Even though saye masih tak cecah XS size, but im almost there.

After 3 weeks pakai Premium Beautiful corset, waist saye reduce dr 34inch ke 29 inch. For me it was a great achievement dgn saye dah tak diet, tak jogging, makan mmg tak de pantang lah :-)

After almost 2 months , weight reduce from 58kgs to 54kgs, & waist become 27cm :)))

What else i can say. Im happy, hubby pun asyik puji saye makin mengurus & makin comel..hehehe. It's worth it :)))

Kalau saye boleh capai camni, other women outside there pun MESTI BOLEH 



There's only 4 areas for you to measure.And all should be measure precisely in (cm). This is IMPORTANT in order for you to get the right size of your PB. You need to measure:(1) bust , (2) underbust, (3) Waist,(4) hipsps

1) bust - Betul2 dekat puncak breast

2) underbust - Bawah breast

3) Waist - Pinggang, untuk measurement yg tepat. ukuran pinggang adalah selari dengan lekuk siku anda.

4) hips - puncak pinggul



Apa 3 Wonder Parts ni? Yg pastinya bukan Wonder Pets yea..hehehe..
As u all know The Premium Beautiful corset is divided into three main pieces:
1. Long Bra or Short Bra
2. Long Girdle 
3. Waist Nipper
♥ The unique 3-piece dimensional clipping cups designed to push up, support and provide firmness to chest.

♥ Steel cartilage effectively provides firmness and support.

♥ Bi-layer depression and tightness designed to flatten abdomen and enhance breasts natural shape at optimum.

♥ 2 ultra-soft wire coils help to slim down body, enhance and firm up body contour.

♥ The design of bi-layer depression and tightness enables to the reshape of excessive fat around the back, thus to attain an attractive figure.

♥ Unique ‘U’ shape at the back not only serves as slimming purpose, but also outlines the back contour effectively.

♥ Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.

♥ Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

 ♥ Made of seven pieces of ‘smart technology’ wires. It provides support to waist comfortably as well as upholds the backbone and straightens postures firmly

♥ The unique body-shape design, transfers the fat from waist to the breasts and buttocks accordingly, thus to create a perfect and well-balanced contour.

♥ The imported string from Japan enables the forming of an exquisite waist contour.

♥ The flexible cutting design creates a perfect contour individually.

♥ Three pairs of Hook-and-Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

♥ Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product

♥ The 32-piece stereoscopic cutting design, based on ‘Fragmentary Pressure Compression Theory’ will effectively divert displaced fat to its original position.

♥ Unique hip cup cutting and design will effectively rectify the sagging buttocks, enhance the hip curve and prop-up-hip.

♥ Detached contour thigh and buttocks, divert excessive fat around the thigh into the hip cup, attaining attractive hip contour.

♥ Cotton on the waist of girdle provides comfort and enhances waist curve.

♥ Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.

♥ The fixed pressure compression at the abdomen reduces the excessive fat, thus to flatten the abdomen.

♥ Bi-layer pressure compression design helps to adjust excessive fat around thighs, thus to develop slimmer legs.

♥ Holey bi-layer cotton provides comfort while wearing

♥ Flexible laces avoid any uncomfortable feeling

Model memperagakan Premium Beautiful corset 



Far Infrared Ray is one of the energy wave that is contained in Sunlight.
Unlike that of Ultraviolet & Microwaves which is harmful, F.I.R has positive effect and is proven to be beneficial to humans. F.I.R is widely accepted as alternative therapy for various diseases

FIR didalam Premium Beautiful mampu memecahkan lemak yang tersimpan di dalam sel lemak kepada asid lemak bebas. Kekuatan daya tembusnya sangat kuat, reaksi hangatnya sangat bagus dan dapat menembus ke dalam jaringan bawah kulit, menggetarkan molekul-molekul air seterusnya memecahkan/menguraikan lemak yang terkumpul sehingga ke bawah kulit. Wow! Ajaibnya! :O

Mengikut anggaran, kira-kira

30%- akan digunakan oleh hati untuk membekalkan tenaga
30%- akan dibuang melalui buah pinggang sebagai air kencing.
20%- akan digunakan oleh otot & organ dalaman tubuh lain sebagai tenaga
20%- akan digukan ketika anda melakukan aktiviti ringan atau bekerja.

Teknology FIR ini sudah lama dipelopori di negara Jepun tetapi hanya mula di perkenalkan di Malaysia pada tahun 1998 melalui produk Premium Beautiful oleh syarikat terkemuka Malaysia Hai-O Marketing Malaysia.


♥ SHAPE UP your body and give a good posture

♥ FIRM UP breasts and buttocks


♥ Improves BLOOD circulations

♥ Improve RESPIRATORY sistem

♥ Increase metabolic rate


♥ Regulate period flow and eliminate PERIOD PAIN

♥ Prevent the growth of CANCER cells


♥ Helping people to CONCEIVE baby

♥ Reduce back pain and good for people having problem with SLIP DISC

& many more..


 ♥ BEST SELLING corset in Malaysia


 ♥ Design in mind for 70% health & 30% beauty

 ♥ Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism including shaping the body

 ♥ Comes with warranty!

 ♥ Comfortable and easy to wear

 ♥ Embedded with Far Infrared Rays technology (F.I.R)

 ♥ Technology from Japan, Taiwn, Germany & US

 ♥ Recommended by American Chiropratic Association

 ♥ Makes every women's dreams come true

For more details contact me at 0126469577


♥ Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 health corset in Malaysia
 and probably the only one in the World.

♥ It uses and is embedded with F.I.R technology mainly for
 improving blood circulation.

♥ It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover 

their beauty, confidence and become healthier in the 

♥ The Premium Beautiful corset is divided into three main
pieces, the Long Bra or Short Bra, Long Girdle & Waist 


 me 0126469577
Sebab Musabab nyo...

Bile kita nk lakukan sesuatu, mesti oarng tanye KENAPE?, MENGAPA?
Ni paling basic la , byk lagi yg pe, pe kat belakang tu.

1st time kasi tau hubby saye nk BELI & PAKAI Premium Beautiful corset, belum lagi habis ayat kita hubby dah tanye, WHY???

Kat sini saye nk kasi tau sato dunia, ada 5 sbb utama & besar................kenape n mengapa saye pilih Premium Beautiful corset.

5-SAYE NAK KURUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dgn nada yg agak desperate)

Rasanye tgk pada 5 sbb utama saye ni, tuan2 & puan2 mesti boleh paham sebab musabab nye yea. hehehe...

Kenape Premium Beautiful, bukan yg lain? (lumrah manusia mmg tak habis2 nk naye soalan)

Jawapanye dah terang lagi mau suluh ka?

1- Corset NO.1 kat Malaysia - tak yah cerite pjng2, sebut jer nama, semua orang tau, :-)
2- EMbedded with FIR - (umur dah masuk 30 ni, lemak tepu bertempek2, kalau buleh rasa nak telan jer FIR tu..hehehe, kasi lagi cepat pecah lemak2 yg degil2 )
3- LIFE TIME WARRANTY!!! pewitt...rosak ker, carik ker, terabak mana2 ker, akan di take care oleh company.
4- Dah terbukti kalau pakai secara consistent, disiplin result boleh nampak after 1st week itself.
*many more...

Selepas 3 minggu pakai Premium Beautiful corset, pinggang saye dr 34inch reduce ke 29inch.

Selepas hampir 2 bulan , berat dr 58kgs turun ke 54kgs, pinggang jadi 27cm.

So, kepada yg berminat nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal corset best ni, boleh hubungi saye.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Beautiful Journey with Premium Beautiful

Dalam hidup seharian, di izinkan Tuhan umur yg pjng, dapat la kita merasa mcm2 pengalaman, manis , masin, masam, tawar lembar(orang kelate ckp), pahit, rasa bercampur baur pun ada.

Tapi dlm semua pengalaman, mesti ade yg kita takan lupa. Peristiwa keramat yg mmg akan melekat...kat otak kita samapi bile2..:)

Alhamdulillah, duk dlm kalut2 mikio camno nk kuruskan balik badan yg agak2 size anak balak ni, diizin Tuhan berkenalan ngan Premium Beautiful.

4 bulan yg lepas, hujung tahun 2011, agak2 nk jadi kemurungan la jugak.

Disbbkan size badan yg sgt menyedihkan , waist 34inch, ulang suara!!! 34inch (mak kita dgr pun terkejut, sbb kita ni rendang yea, tinggi 151cm, paham je la kita kelihatan seperti ape dgn waist size camtu), kita tak nk jumpe orang, tak nk kuar gi mana2. nk duk........jer kat rumah.

Hujung bulan Feb 2012, berkenalan dgn cik Premium Beautiful corset.

Ikhlas ckp, kita sorang jer masa tu yakin Premium Beautiful yg boleh tolong kita (tapi opkos la dgn determination, discipline, doa la jugak (moga2 tak jadi malas nk pakai corset..hehehe )

Hari pertama pakai corset.
Bangun awal2 pagi, semangat kalah budak nk gi 1st day school :).
ok, 8 jam berlalu dgn tak sedar.
Esok pakai lagi, rutin yg sama, 8 jam sehari bersama kekasih jiwa , my lovey dovy Premium Beautiful corset

Dari sehari ke minggu.
Kalau 1st day nk pakai corset rasa cam nk mintak tolong neighbour tolong tarikkn girdle, sekarang laju jer. hehe...

Minggu ke 3 pakai corset.
Kat IOI Mall Puchong ade lady's jeans sales up to 70% sales jeans.

Sebelum masuk fitting room grab jeans size 34inch & 35inch, sedar diri kan. Once pakai, jeans size 34inch longgar tahap tak bleh blah. boleh masuk tangan siap.

Pelik pulak rasa, suh hubby amik size lain. Hampes...31inch, 32inch, 33inch semua longgar. Hati jadi makin pelik, duk pikir jeans ni rosak ker? hehehe...

Suh lagi hubby amik size lagi kecik, cian die duk pi mai pi mai tukarkan size utk kita.

This time hubby suh try size 29inch, 30inch, 31inch. Dalam hati , merepek ke hape baby ni, tau la aku gemuk, tak yah nk perli2. Kecik ati den tau!!!

At last, size 29inch yg muat cantik kat badan, masa ni tak pakai corset yea, ULANG SUARA WAIST KITA 29inch WITHOUT PAKAI CORSET!!!

Wee hooo!!!!

Tak sia2 usaha , baru 3 minggu pakai corset kot, waist dr 34inch jadi 29inch.

It's miracle. this is what i called A Beautiful Journey with Premium Beautiful corset, muah, lap2 u.
Nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal corset best ni, hubungi saye 0126469577

Tempoh Berkabung Udah Khatam!

Sebelum kawin size XS, setahun lepas kawin S, pregnant XXL, setahun selepas melahirkan L... :((

Kusut otak duk mikio. Baju satu almari udah ada gaya nk di hantar ke rumah anak yatim, huuu....sedih nye jiwo.

Hubby selalu duk pujuk nk sedapkan hati, "lama2 nti kurus la balik". Bile? Anak dah nk masuk setahun umur, gtu jugok badannye. Nak marah kat sape pun tak tau. Takan nk hantuk kepala sendiri kat dinding kot, silap pendek umur mati di luar boundry iman, nauzubillah, nge...

I've seriously got to do smthing with this body. I'm still young. Anak baru sorang kot. Takan nk bahagia ngan size ni kot. argh!!!

Udah2 le tu syahi oii...sampai bile nk meratapi badan yg dah mengelembung sana sini ni. uhuk..uhuk..
Hari2 duk belek gambar masa anak dara dulu tak de mengejut nye jugak badan tu.

Premium Beautiful, my luv, meri jaan...after Mr. Dave yea...hehehe